Tattoo info here (in General)

Max January 1 2005 2:01 AM EST

Click Here It's not close to being done but the new players guide has info on them. I'll try and hurry publishing everything. Tattoo info is written by SNK3R

[EG]Charnakra January 1 2005 1:13 PM EST

I have a couple of the ToJ tattoos.

First, you can only equip one of these per character.

Second, depending on which minion you equip it on, it displaces a different piece of armor and different amounts as well. On the second minion, the ToJ uses the robe slot, on the 3rd minion it uses the body armor slot and in the 4th slot, the ToJ uses both the helmet and body armor slot. I imagine this is so the further back you "hide" it, the more AC it will cost you. Either that, or there's a bug? :)

Additionally, I don't know if you can have 2 tattoos of different types on the same character.

[EG]Charnakra January 1 2005 1:18 PM EST

Ok, it looks like the tattoo replaces both the body armor and the robe on any minion it is equipped on. I didn't have enough armour to have all 4 minions equipped and the lag made constant transfers problematic :)

Max January 3 2005 4:47 PM EST

OK it's updated and starting to come along. Click link in original message. You can now post your comments to the FAQ as anonymous or registered user. Basically, a self growing FAQ.
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