AS effect on Tattoo (in General)

Devenger [/me Forge Stuff :D] January 2 2005 3:58 AM EST

In a day of a mage team...

In my battle log, AS appears to have full effect on the tattoo; however, does AS weaken even more (3 minions, slightly weakened, 4 minions, more weakened) with the tattoo? Because there's 5 minions, right?

On the subject, the familiar takes all the enchantments, so is AS effect calculated there with either 4-minion or 5-minion there?

Am I a jerk bringing this up? O.o

Telkir January 2 2005 4:37 AM EST

From a quick experiment, AS does not become weaker over 5 targets rather than 4.

I tried fighting a PR 1 new player with and without my ToJ equipped and the HP of my 4 main minions stayed the same on both occasions.
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