About New Players Chat (in General)

Max January 2 2005 3:40 PM EST

It is hard to answer questions while players try and sell supportership, items and such. Though this message probably will only reach a few I urge you to utilize the FS/WTB forums for purchasing and selling. Carnage would also be a nice place to buy and sell. It is not a 'rule' to not buy/sell in new players but it would certainly help out those players who are asking a question and those that are trying to answer.

stoner14 January 2 2005 3:41 PM EST

or, to ofrego the 10k cost, you could use auctions.

Max January 2 2005 3:43 PM EST

The 10k is a good point. You may also use the CB1 forums as most have sufficient money to cover the cost.

Kaioshin January 2 2005 3:49 PM EST

Would it be possible to create a supporters only FS/WTB chat room?

Just a suggestion thats probably already under the FORS section in the FAQ.
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