CB2 Welcoming Contest (in Contests)

Xlorn January 3 2005 2:52 PM EST

This contest is to kick off the start of CB2. A majority of the profits will be sent to a brand spanking new CB2 user. Of course, there will be a small jackpot for whoever wins. The new person receiving the the money(or items if anyone feels so generous) will be chosen totally at random from the list. I know we all just started a few days ago, but lets give a lucky new user the opportunity that we never had: The opportunity to not have to burn through a thousand or so BA just to get basic gear.

GAME: A basic number choosing game. Numbers 1-100 will be available. 1k to choose a number. Max number of guesses a person is 5. Winner will receive a to be determined percentage of jackpot. The bigger the jackpot, the bigger the prize. The rest not used will be sent to a random new user, along with any items generously donated. Send money and items to CB2 Welcoming. If not enough is gathered as deemed by me, refunds will promptly be sent back to owner.
Contest ends when either all numbers are chosen, activity had diminished, or not enough people have joined.
This thread is closed to new posts. However, you are welcome to reference it from a new thread; link this with the html <a href="/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=00195c">CB2 Welcoming Contest</a>