CLAN PR LIMIT. (in General)

[SLO] DDLEG January 3 2005 3:56 PM EST

I was just wondering why our clan pr limit is so low. i was trying to get people from my cb1 clan into my cb2 clan and i have already maxed my clan out on pr. what is the deal. and how do i raise that limit.


Devenger [/me Forge Stuff :D] January 3 2005 4:08 PM EST

Tell me why we can only have 5 characters, even though we used to have 10. (As a supporter.)

Kaioshin January 3 2005 4:17 PM EST

I think it's to stop excessive numbers of farm chars being made

Max January 3 2005 4:31 PM EST

It's based on total PR. Just like BA refresh is to top PR. I think.

[SLO] DDLEG January 3 2005 4:34 PM EST

i was not refering to how many character i can put in my clan. but other player cant join because the is so low.

you know....
each clan is limited by PR up to a maximum of 12 characters.

Timberwolf January 3 2005 4:37 PM EST

The PR cap is tied to the PR of the largest char in the game at the time. In CB1 it was Spid with a 2 Mil+ PR, here it is much lower.
As time progresses and characters grow larger, the PR cap will raise and clans will be able to hold more people.
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