Tattoo: Bug or am i dumb? (in General)

Chocolate Thunder January 3 2005 5:47 PM EST

My familar stopped appearing against The First.

Minion EXP HP ST DX AC DI Ammo
Brian Eno 210 -892 20 20 0 0
Andy Mackay 212 -895 20 20 0 0 1,212
Phil Manzanera 208 -730 20 20 0 0 798
Bryan Ferry 215 -1,229 20 20 0 928

But no familar, it appears against everyone else.

[HaveToLook]Buffet January 3 2005 5:48 PM EST

you beat me to it

Chocolate Thunder January 3 2005 5:58 PM EST

Well it works again, but when it was broken i also wasn't using AS or GA against The First, but I was against everyone else.
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