stoner and vicious deal (in Public Record)

stoner14 January 3 2005 5:55 PM EST

I am sending vicious my tat of jigor-something. He will use it until he gets supportership, at which time he will send me the tat of jigor he ges for supportership. he is also paying 10k for the rental.

I finally see January 3 2005 6:25 PM EST

Confirmed, thanks bud.

I finally see January 3 2005 11:54 PM EST

He is quite a few hours behind me time zone wise. I am sending 10k and going to bed, ttyl man.

stoner14 January 4 2005 2:47 AM EST

stoner41 (alice in wonderland) Vicious (The End) A Tattoo of Jigorokano ($65331) 2:47 AM EST
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