/me wants his ToJ back...... (in Public Record)

[From CB1]Tequito January 3 2005 11:12 PM EST

Hmm.... we've all seen this loaning game everybody is playing with the ToJ, and well, i have been playing it also. About ten or so hours ago I offered to loan my ToJ to anybody who wants to use it. [BadCo]-[D7]-Xenocider wanted to take me up on the offer... Well, simply put, I screwed up and sent it permantly... By the time I noticed (about 20 minutes after sending it) he had dissapeared. He remained in chat but inactive. i chatmailed him and left him more than one pm, offering to pay for the transfer fee and everything. The chatmail wasn't delivered until about an hour ago, so obviously he hadn't been playing, but about 30 minutes ago it shows in his fight log that he was fighting, and he still has my ToJ equiped. I don't see a way that he could have missed both the pms and the chatmail, or thought odd of the fact that he still has it.


Basicly, what I am requesting, is the [BadCo]-[D7]-Xenocider gives me my ToJ back, and I will still pay for the transfer fee, and an explaination as to why my previous recovery attempts were ignored.

And if he refuses, then I would like admin action to be taken....

Max January 3 2005 11:21 PM EST

Send another chatmail to the user. Also, try emailing the user. If you don't get a response the next time around, post again.

[From CB1]Tequito January 3 2005 11:34 PM EST

Well, he's about to give it back... I guess I posted this while he was around...

/bout of crazyness over.

[From CB1]Tequito January 3 2005 11:48 PM EST

And I'd just like to make my appology to Xenocider public for being a pain in the rear... i should been more patient and loaned it right in the first place...

/me feels like a ding bat

[SoV] Shiv [/me Forge Stuff :D] January 3 2005 11:49 PM EST

on the plus side, when he returns your toj back, it'll be stronger than before :D
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