Score 12K, PR 11???? (in General)

QBsutekh137 January 4 2005 1:53 PM EST

not sure if this is does PR 11 end up with huge score?

[P]Mitt January 4 2005 2:00 PM EST

um where?

and maybe its the tattoo doing the work

QBsutekh137 January 4 2005 2:55 PM EST

so whole game is who has biggest tattoo? I new toj's were tough, but is that all their is to it????????

QBsutekh137 January 4 2005 3:10 PM EST

yea, i wasn't checking right...taki was character, now is lower in score and he had tattoo xfers. so i guess biggest tattoo is going to take over for a while

{cb1}dyno January 4 2005 4:04 PM EST

It will level out with time. Gotta think long term =)

QBsutekh137 January 4 2005 5:52 PM EST

I spose...but you sure? my tattoo is growing fast (or faster) then my PR...or you mean xfer fees make it to hard to do??
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