Mitt / Bodice Tattoos deal (in Public Record)

[P]Mitt January 4 2005 8:18 PM EST

Some chatmails...
To: budice Sent: 6:04 PM EST Delivered: 6:16 PM EST
Hey, I really want your Tattoo of Ice, you never responded [in chat]....I'm willing to trade:
A Lesser Tattoo of Ice lvl 1770 17,775 (going up),
A Lesser Tattoo of Flame lvl 20 5,920 and
100k cash (40k now, 60k in a week)

his response:

From: budice Sent: 6:48 PM EST Delivered: 8:01 PM EST
hi deal

Then he added...

From: budice Sent: 6:51 PM EST Delivered: 8:01 PM EST
im new to the game and not sure how trades work do we post it someplace to make sure we dont get ripped off and what happens if you dont send resst in a week?

so, here is the post, and if I don't send the rest in a week, I get I don't want that to happen, so obviously I will send the rest when I get it. (look at the rules in public forum)

now this contract (my 2 lesser tattoos and 100k (40k now and 60k in a week) is void unless you confirm here in this post. Once you confirm, send the item over to the character mitt. Once I see that you have confirmed (I might be AFK), I'll send what I have over. I will post updates on my pay plan.

[P]Mitt January 4 2005 8:20 PM EST

/me carps self

the title is supposed to be Mitt / Budice, not Bodice....

[P]Mitt January 4 2005 8:33 PM EST

Because of wacky time and everything I have an update:

A Lesser Tattoo of Ice lvl 1,220 18,393
and 50k down and 50k in a week.

[P]Mitt January 4 2005 8:36 PM EST

we confirmed in PM

Mitt (Mitt) budice (Shield) A Lesser Tattoo of Ice ($18393) 8:35 PM EST
Mitt (Mitt) budice (Shield) A Lesser Tattoo of Flame ($5920) 8:35 PM EST
Mitt (Mitt) budice (Shield) $50000 8:35 PM EST
budice (wimpmaster) Mitt (Mitt) A Tattoo of Ice ($26327) 8:34 PM EST

I owe Budice 50k now. Thanks!

[P]Mitt January 5 2005 7:11 PM EST

Mitt (Mitt) budice (Shield) $25000 7:10 PM EST

25k left on pay plan.

[P]Mitt January 6 2005 9:42 PM EST

Mitt (Mitt) budice (Shield) $25000 9:41 PM EST

paid off

budice January 6 2005 10:03 PM EST

mitts all payed up deal done.
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