contest idea feedback welcome :D (in Contests)

Elf X.7plus35k January 4 2005 10:17 PM EST

i was thinking that a contest with a 1k entry fee held in a private room on here once a week called name that tune would be a cool idea and who ever won the most points for the night would get all of the pot minus transfer fees yes i know this could prolly be googled... still all feedback is welcome and asked for
thanks in advance

{CB1}Lukeyman January 8 2005 9:46 PM EST

awesome i got a great idea, use TeamSpeak and play a song, then do name that tune, the others have to guess it.... it'd be cool i think

[pwnage]Exotion [[pWnage]] January 8 2005 10:03 PM EST

depends if "that tune" pg so it would have to not be anything with cusswords ok so that cuts down the songs down by half. nothing suggestive in it so that leaves one song left....."I love you, you love me, we are all a happy family" lol i crack myself up but seriously i dont think its all that good maybe anything like on tv and music . something that is not so like confined into one category.

Phrip January 8 2005 10:04 PM EST

This would work best if you had a shoutcast server set up and used 3 second song bits. Kind of like how KoL does their radio contests.

Elf X.7plus35k January 9 2005 3:29 PM EST

too bad i can't host a shoutcast server on dialup... if anyone has any ideas let me know :D

Elf X.7plus35k January 9 2005 5:03 PM EST

i've rethought this don't mind me...what if i was to make say 5 10 second sound clips then once a week post them on a free site that i make? and then whoever can tell me in cm or by e-mail (haven't decided) all the correct song titles and artists first gets the money that's collected... i was thinking 1k each to play... just a thought :D

Max January 9 2005 5:16 PM EST

I have a team speak server already running on soon to be moved to Anyway, it's up.

Elf X.7plus35k January 10 2005 1:47 PM EST

the thing that hits me with the teamspeak is hardly anyone uses it so i figured the website would have better quality clips and would allow more to play...

[pwnage]Exotion [[pWnage]] January 10 2005 8:54 PM EST

still think you should do more than music do like a sound clip off of a show and be like what is this.. example: "Doh" wats this from?

Elf X.7plus35k January 10 2005 11:48 PM EST

oh that could be fun :D lol

[pwnage]Exotion [[pWnage]] January 11 2005 10:57 PM EST

agreement god it feels good =P
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