Maybe a 'bug', maybe just a really annoying 'feature' located in inspe (in General)

Starseed^Lure January 5 2005 2:22 AM EST

When clicking fight button located in the inspect character screen, whether or not you have previously selected the 'Play-by-play: ON' option, the system will not show the play-by-play. It will however revert back to your selection if you use the normal fight button located to the left. This is especially annoying when I'm trying to find strat weaknesses/strengths, when I inspect the most.

I'm using the latest version of Mozilla Firefox in case it matters at all.

(And Firefox is not recognized by the spellchecker)

private January 5 2005 3:05 AM EST

Too slow

Starseed^Lure January 5 2005 3:12 AM EST

Darn, you win this time! But who is supposed to know what PBP is? ;p
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