Skill learning costs... why such unusual values? (in General)

MoeDrippins January 5 2005 3:30 PM EST

Something I've wondered about for a long time. Why are the training costs to LEARN a skill so ... unusual?

91? Why not 90, or 100? 4826? 567? 849?

Was there some algorithm that went into determining these? The math geek in me wonders why these #'s are not all powers of 10 (or 2), multiples of 5 or 10, prime, fibonacci values, or something else. Or do I just not recognize something subtle (or obvious)?

Not a big deal either way, but was curious from a "cb historical" context.

bartjan January 5 2005 3:38 PM EST

8 exp gives a total level of 25
91 exp gives a total level of 50

And so on, for all other spells. The numbers are very rounded, you are just looking at the wrong numbers ;)

MoeDrippins January 5 2005 4:30 PM EST

Ah, I understand. Thanks Bartjan.
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