Fireball "strategy?" ... (in General)

Salketer [big bucks] January 5 2005 7:47 PM EST

It ain't a big one but might help some of you anyways... So i post =)

I first sent it to Tezmac but figured i better post for everyone, so i'll just cut the uneeded parts.

To: Tezmac Sent: 7:43 PM EST
I found that you put your tattoo on your last minion, letting it have more time casting before it dies. Of course! But with the new fireball, i made some tests with my char. Using ablative shield like you, at 7,800 PR... If you put it in front, it dies first instead of second last but won't damage your minions since he will hardly make it to melee. To take or not... =)

From: Tezmac Sent: 7:46 PM EST
Oooh, good call, I didnt really think about that! Ill do that and try it out!

MrC [DodgingTheEvilForgeFees] January 5 2005 8:24 PM EST

Yeah, FB is a good one to use for just ranged but later on for the EXP you put into it or for taking up a tattoo slot you'd want it to do some decent damage and letting something that does take up a lot of EXP or use a tattoo slot die in the first round isn't often a good idea.

Salketer [big bucks] January 6 2005 10:08 AM EST

You got it right MrChuckles, I don't know about CB2 but in CB1 if you had very great ranged, you were killing everyone before the melee...

My tattoo is now so useless (ToJ) since my DM and FB mix kills almost all of them in the first round of ranged (when ennemy focused on AS) or in the 3rd round my mage dies and the tattoo finishes it in one shot.

QBJohnnywas January 6 2005 10:21 AM EST

Salketer, your char Tenme seems the best example of how powerful a mix of HP and DM can be. I can't beat you. Not at all, not even on repeated attacks! OK, so I'm a slightly lower pr than you but still...

Nice one!
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