Help with my porte-folio [Feed-backs needed] (in Off-topic)

Salketer [big bucks] January 5 2005 10:39 PM EST

Here is the page on which I show what i have done so far. Please check it once in a while and give me any tips, feedbacks or comments.

Thanks in advance.

Salketer [big bucks] January 7 2005 2:45 PM EST

Thanks for the ones who came, it would be awesom if a lot more would post their comments. They are of great help to me!

That's the product with which i will hopefully get a job!!

Max January 7 2005 3:03 PM EST

Ok, I did post my comments to your site. Let me post some more.

1. Get rid of the alien/TRON green layout.
2. Consider replacing the dragon.
3. Make the navmenu and content box fly up or fade in.
4. Add buttons to the navbar the appear in sequence 1,2,3,4 etc. with a nice roll over.

If you want I have about a hundred or so templates you can modify or whatever.

Salketer [big bucks] January 11 2005 4:12 PM EST

thanks a lot Max. And about the layouts, no thanks it's to show with I can do...

About the dragon on the bag, it's just while waiting. The colors might get changed too. I don't understand what you say about making them fade or something tough.

You will have to right-click -> play if you want to see it.

Currently, i'm working on the download, take a look!!
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