Elven Long Sword (in General)

Bolfen January 6 2005 6:12 PM EST

I see an ELS popped in the Weps store...but it's not on the Item meta-stats page.

Does it have the same stats/rarity as CB1?

CooperTX January 6 2005 6:14 PM EST

Give it about an hour, the meta-stat page refreshes about every hour.

Desperado [Chaotic Serenity] January 6 2005 6:16 PM EST

An Elven Long Sword [80x11] (+3)
Heh i talked to him in PM.
i want it soo bad :(

Cranium Basher January 6 2005 8:33 PM EST

Why? It suckes...

I was hoping els would be awesome in cb2, I was wrong.

[From CB1]Tequito January 7 2005 12:19 AM EST

how does it suck? it's the same thing as in cb1

Ulord[NK] January 7 2005 12:28 AM EST

its still the best 1h weapon, tied right with BoT.

Max January 7 2005 12:40 AM EST

If item sucks, sell it for less. I'll bid first...

Starseed^Lure January 7 2005 1:06 AM EST

Cranium, you forgot the /sarcasm tag. Some people aren't savvy enough!

Max January 7 2005 1:16 AM EST

"Cranium, you forgot the /sarcasm tag. Some people aren't savvy enough! " Hence, you missed mine. Boom

Starseed^Lure January 7 2005 1:30 PM EST

So egotistical; you think everyone is talking to you. Typical. /sarcasm

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