You know you're hooked when... (in General)

Max January 6 2005 7:29 PM EST

Let me be the first!

You know you're hooked when...

during your business classes you need to decide what type of business to open. So, you create a business plan to request financing for the start-up costs of your business and "Carnage Blender" seems to be the only logical choice... every... single... time. In turn, allowing you to neatly insert referral links in your online presentations to the class. Repeat process for every ad hoc business plan, scenario, marketing strategy, test, final, and any chance you get while in open discussion! After all, what teacher would complain after clicking on the link? They DO get an extra 400 dollars...duh.

Admit it, you've done it at least once!


The Tyrantly Tamale January 6 2005 7:58 PM EST

Hmmm... this somehow reminds me of an older thread... oh yes!! The Thread From June!!!

Max January 6 2005 8:00 PM EST

Kill joy.

[Redneck RV] Truc January 7 2005 4:12 AM EST

You know you're hooked when: Even though you had spent weeks preparing for a massive sell-off of CB1 stuff (in the hopes of buying a cheap-ish laptop) when the news of CB2 hit, you still feel the need to drag your toddlers' semi-portable 400MHz computer on a business trip and are thrilled that after two nights of messing with it you can access CB2 via dial-up in Fargo.

[From CB1]Tequito January 7 2005 6:57 AM EST

When you treat every changelog like it's the end of the world or the exact opposite. (not something I do)
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