No more item naming ? And more... (in General)

Tibike77 January 6 2005 8:51 PM EST

This just sunk in... there's no place in CB2 to "order" an item naming !
Does this mean named items are gone for good, or just "suspended" for a while ?

Also, in CB1 you had the opportunity to "purchase" a supporter item by simply sending 6$ if you were a supporter already but wanted the new supporter item and/or more of the current one.
Now, people offer to pay for supportership in exchange for the ToJ - not that I mind, quite the contrary - the more supporters, the merrier... but is that "feature" also removed from CB2 (6$ instead of 10$ for extra supporter item) ?

[YG]Wildthing January 6 2005 8:57 PM EST

You could only get the supporter item for 6$ if you were a previous supporter and you could only get one item from Jon. You could always buy supportership for other people, and have them send you the supporter item they got. Some people will just take the supporter, some will ask for money, and some will even give the supporter buyer money to keep the supporter item.

As for the item naming, I dont know. I would thinkthat it will be back

Max January 6 2005 9:09 PM EST

I posted because I have to send cashiers checks, which take time.

Tibike77 January 6 2005 9:49 PM EST

How about wacky XP/cash times ? :D

The Tyrantly Tamale January 6 2005 9:58 PM EST

Those are still around... it doesn't help right now to enter a cash time for me though. :(
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