Forum List List Idea From CB1 (in General)

Mandy [Journey] January 7 2005 12:07 AM EST

I really like the 'recent forum posts' list on the side bar that we had on cb1. Sometimes, for me, I get caught up in my BA and with the recent forums listed on the side sometimes i catch something with an interesting subject and stop to read.

A little off that subject, Jon, would you put a scroll bar on the left frame. Sometimes the frame cuts off on the bottom...could just be me and my resolution I don't know -- any ideas on that would be appreciated.

Mandy [Journey] January 7 2005 12:11 AM EST

ok i feel dumb...i see now with a mouse over if shows up... I don't know why it didn't do that before. Sorry for wasting your time

Undertow January 7 2005 12:32 AM EST

I don't remember where I read it, but somewhere I read that Jon would do none of the above. I think it was in the forums before the game launched, when everyone was snooping.

Mandy [Journey] January 7 2005 12:37 AM EST

well he has the recent forum threads in a mouse over...which never worked for me before but its ok :) but as for the scroll bar ok the left frame i dont see harm in asking for that.. but thanks for the info and i look deeper in the forum

Undertow January 7 2005 12:39 AM EST

Like I said, it was before the game actually released when everyone was snooping, he might have whiped the forums before launch, so you might not find anything. Talk to Todd, he brought it up before when Jon shut him down.
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