Bug? Large FB consistantly dealing no damage (in General)

[FireBreathing]Chicken January 7 2005 12:33 AM EST

3's Fireball hit Susan for no damage
4's Fireball hit Susan for no damage

4's Fireball level is around 6k
3's Fireball level is around 1.5k

When I attacked Susan Death, she had 18 AC, and nothing trained but hp and fireball.

She is equipped with a CoBF. If I remember correctly, the suggestion for CoBF to protect against FB was considered FORs in CB1. Can somebody check this out and explain it to me? Thx in advance.

Max January 7 2005 12:38 AM EST


private January 7 2005 12:44 AM EST

I believe CoBF FB prot is mentioned in item meta-stats, too.

[FireBreathing]Chicken January 7 2005 1:02 AM EST

oh. Only scanned the changelogs, sorry bout that.

[FireBreathing]Chicken January 7 2005 1:06 AM EST

agh. oh well, another chance for a strat change.
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