LToS, but no ToS? (in General)

Timberwolf January 7 2005 3:19 PM EST

Just like the thread title says. I have been using a LToS and have been watching, waiting for a ToS to show up somewhere.

Are these not going to appear, or have they just not spawned yet?

CooperTX January 7 2005 3:25 PM EST

Well it took the better part of the week for the ELS to make an appearance, so don't give up hope.

Timberwolf January 7 2005 3:29 PM EST

Well I have waited for 3 days to post this, hoping that when I finally did, a ToS would spawn minutes after I posted to mock me.

/me checks item meta-stats

No such luck. : )

Denomicon January 7 2005 4:12 PM EST

I get the impression from the lack of a category on the meta-stats page and the fact that you can't vote for one in the black market that there is no ToS, only LToS. I think you are out of luck.

CooperTX January 7 2005 4:14 PM EST

Until an item shows up in the store it doesn't show up in meta-stats or the blackmarket.

Denomicon January 7 2005 4:16 PM EST

Well in that case, keep waiting. Who would have guessed, I can be wrong.

Tibike77 January 8 2005 12:40 AM EST

Don't know... it isn't in Black Market votes... so chances are it ain't spawnable in stores either.
Elven Gloves seem to have the same fate - none in meta-stats, none in Black Market votes.

ELS is in BM, so I guess sooner or later we'll see one.
But ToS and EG seem to not exist at all in CB2 (yet).

[EG]The Saint January 8 2005 1:19 AM EST

The ELS is in the meta-stats and BM because one dropped in the store recently.

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] January 8 2005 1:30 AM EST

I've wondered about the tattoo of steel as well. Aside from just the chance it hasn't spawned yet, my only other guess is that maybe it's the next supporter item (or at least upcoming). It would make sense, since that's the way it is for ToJ's. But I guess only one person knows for sure.

Timberwolf January 8 2005 10:28 AM EST

That makes sense to me Vaynard.

Bolfen January 8 2005 11:18 AM EST

the first ELS spawned in stores before it showed up in BM guide. Check the thread i opened when it spawned.
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