Mouse Gesture Contest, prize 525kpr in CB1 (in Contests)

Aramil-got dumped January 7 2005 4:04 PM EST

ok, I use firefox at home, and with that I use an extension called Optimoz. The Problem is, I want a custom mouse gesture to open a webpage of my choice in a new window. For example if I hold down the right mouse button move my mouse down then straight right open Carnageblender 2, but if I move down then Left it opens carnageblender 1.

The problem with this is I don't know enough about coding to make something like that.

what I would like is a bit of code that I can paste a specific web page in that I can assign to a gesture in optimoz so that it will open in a new tab

the prize is My 525k PR character TheTeam, and any money left after I pay the transfer fee

Aramil-got dumped January 7 2005 4:32 PM EST

I didn't say in the original post, JAVA script is used

private January 7 2005 5:03 PM EST

var browser=getBrowser();
tab = browser.addTab("", getReferrer(document));

Replace "" with the link of your choice.

Also, this isn't really normal javascript; it will anger most browsers. Works fine in optimoz.

Anyhow, this is based on the part where you said, "I would like is a bit of code that I can paste a specific web page in that I can assign to a gesture in optimoz so that it will open in a new tab"

And I don't really want your char. You can keep it or something.

Salketer [big bucks] January 7 2005 5:05 PM EST

i'll take it :) ain't like i wasn't working on that...

private January 7 2005 5:30 PM EST

I don't even know javascript. I just looked at the code for the built-in gesture for opening windows in tables and editted it slightly.

Maelstrom January 7 2005 5:46 PM EST

I replied to the one in CB1... guess I replied later. I gave more detailed instructions, though :p

Here's my post:

It's pretty easy to add custom actions. In Firefox, go to Tools|Extensions, click on Mouse Gestures, click Options, click Edit Mappings, click New.

You're now in the screen to create a new gesture. Set Gesture Type to "Normal Gesture". Click Recogize, and in the box, make the mouse gesture you want to use to perform the action. Under Function Type, select "Custom", under name type whatever you want to call the function (eg "CarnageBlender"), and under Custom JavaScript, paste in this to open CB in a new window:'');

You can repeat that process for each site you want, and simply change the hyperlink address.

If you want to open a site in a new tab instead of a new window, use this as the function:

var browser = getBrowser();
var link = '';
tab = browser.addTab(link, getReferrer(document));
This thread is closed to new posts. However, you are welcome to reference it from a new thread; link this with the html <a href="/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=0019UD">Mouse Gesture Contest, prize 525kpr in CB1</a>