CoBF question (in General)

QBJohnnywas January 8 2005 3:55 AM EST

A quick question. Given the CoBF's protection against fireballs, does that mean that if you equip a fireball mage with one it would protect him from damage from his own fireballs when hit by AMF?

Would it (at current levels) make an FB mage almost invulnerable to fireballs and amf?

InebriatedArsonist January 8 2005 4:03 AM EST

A quick question. Given the CoBF's protection against fireballs, does that mean that if you equip a fireball mage with one it would protect him from damage from his own fireballs when hit by AMF?

-No, you will still take damage from your opponent's GA and AMF enchantments.

Would it (at current levels) make an FB mage almost invulnerable to fireballs and amf?

-At current levels, it seems that fireballs are incapable of causing damage to my own CBF-equipped minion, but from what I've gleaned from Jon's statements, eventually fireball spells will be powerful enough to cause some damage. Where that point is, I have no clue.

QBJohnnywas January 8 2005 4:14 AM EST

Thanks. Does the CoBF still dish out friendly fire like in CB1?

[YG]Wildthing January 8 2005 4:25 AM EST

Yes it does. There is splash damage from the CoBF

QBJohnnywas January 8 2005 7:49 AM EST

How big do fireballs have to be to cause damage to a CoBF wearer? The largest fireball in the game currently (I know we're all at low levels but still...) cannot damage the wearer of a base CoBF!

MrC [DodgingTheEvilForgeFees] January 8 2005 8:07 AM EST

Johnnywas, no idea.
Wait a while and someone will post a thread celebrating the fact that they did 1 damage to a CoBF wearer.

Until then we can only guess, my guess personally is CoBF=Immune to FB, as far as we know it doesn't block it entirely but a +0 CoBF was blocking my FB entirely and I assume everyone else's so the FB would be hurt badly enough by the CoBF that it doesn't count even if you do get some damage through. Just my opinion, maybe I'm wrong but it makes sense to me.

QBJohnnywas January 8 2005 8:15 AM EST

My suspicion is that a fireball against a +1 cloak will probably have to do the equivalent damage to a 100k nw weapon. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
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