A fightlist bug....er.. feature (in General)

Acidpants220 January 8 2005 1:59 PM EST

I've found that the Fightlist has a little bit of a bug in it.

If you click the link to delete an opponent off the list it will delete the opponent. but if you then press enter on the Keyboard it will delete the opponent that is the highest on your list, and if you keep pressing enter it will continue to do so. It's just a bit annoying

Thats all.

private January 8 2005 2:18 PM EST

It does the same for inspect and for fight. It's a feature.

Starseed^Lure January 8 2005 3:10 PM EST

An annoying feature. I, for one, would prefer enter to always fight.

Maelstrom January 8 2005 4:39 PM EST

A related "feature" that annoys me is that, once you delete a character from your list using the delete button, the currently selected opponent resets back to the first opponent in the list. I would prefer it if after a delete, the position would be set to the next opponent in the list.
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