Feature request: Tattoo stats (in General)

Bolfen January 8 2005 8:28 PM EST

Tattoo rankings (like player or clan rankings) would be cool...

It could also help us create fight lists ;)

MrC [DodgingTheEvilForgeFees] January 8 2005 8:44 PM EST

/me likes a little randomness.
Same as weapons, you can't see their stats so why should we be able to see what a tattoo does?

Bolfen January 8 2005 10:21 PM EST

Because Tats are like pets and don't people want to show off their pets? I just think it would be cool to see who has the best tats in the game.

MrC [DodgingTheEvilForgeFees] January 8 2005 10:30 PM EST

/me points to item meta stats. Also you can ask around and someone will have seen the person loaning it out. And if people are so eager to show off their "pets" then they'll be more than willing to tell you the stats ;P
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