Paypal help. (in Off-topic)

Phrip January 8 2005 8:57 PM EST

I am a little confused here. I set up my Paypal account, but I am still waiting for the credit union to clear the verification deposit. My question is can someone still send money to the paypal account in the mean time? I'm assuming yes since you can use Paypal to solely make transactions online independent of your bank account and use their debit /credit card. However I have also been told by a couple of people this is not possible because Paypal will not just hold your money idle. The help section of their site does not disclose this information from what i can see. Any help is much appreciated.

vendo January 8 2005 9:06 PM EST

"Send Money allows you to pay anyone with an email address" PayPal website.

I would assume so. And yes they will let your money sit idle. For a reasonable period of time. A few days or even a week to ger your CU to clear the deposit should be fine.

private January 8 2005 9:06 PM EST

Paypal will hold your money idle even if you have a bank account. Your paypal account has it's own amount of money independent of your bank account, but you can move the money from bank account to pay pal and visa versa.

What parts of paypal will work when you are unverified, I do not know.

Nightmare [NewNightmares] January 8 2005 9:18 PM EST

You can move cash back and forth as you wish, but becoming verified ups the limit of your maximum transfer (I think it's $100 or $500 when unverified).
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