Economic clans questions (in General)

Tibike77 January 8 2005 9:11 PM EST

Ok, as far as I know, the following things are true about Economic Clans:

1. 10% of normal fees for loans to members of the same clan
2. 50% of normal fees for permanent transfers to members of the same clan
3. 80% of normal fees for transfers (loans or permanent) to everyone else
4. One week waiting period before discounts apply
5. (unofficial) No forging bonuses nor any other bonuses apply to economic clan members, regardless of standing within the economic clans.

3 couldn't be more clear.
#1 and #2 are clear enough after 1 week.
However, point #4 is a bit unclear - do both persons need to be in that clan for more than 2 weeks (for #1 and #2), or only the one loaning/transfering the goods ?

Next, if you want to "advertise" something along the lines of "hiring forgers for the clan", "seeking tatoo levelers" or other symilar things - do you place that advertisment in "general", "forging services" or in "FS/WTB" (plus fee) ?

And finally, what exactly does the "revenue" mean ?
The absolute CB$ income from other people's transfer ?
Is "selling to shop" included ?
Is the NW of transfered items involved in this in any way ?
Do CB$ transfers "out" of the clan decrease revenue ?

Ionstorm January 9 2005 3:00 PM EST

Im not trying to hi jack this thread I just had another question. Does the items auctioned and sold count towards the revenue of the economic clan?

Tibike77 January 9 2005 3:48 PM EST

Rental income seems to be included in revenue.

Nightmare [NewNightmares] January 9 2005 3:53 PM EST

But does being in an econ. clan reduce the rentals fee?

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] January 9 2005 4:34 PM EST

ok so we know there are some economic advantages to being in an eco clan, but aside from the initial fee, what are the disadvantages, if any. In a standard clan the advantage is gaining more money and exp fighting clan members. The better you perform the more you gain. Is there some similar system in the eco-clan?

Tibike77 January 9 2005 5:01 PM EST

I think Jonathan (a.k.a. The Big Chief) said there's absolutely no hardcoded advantage whatsoever for being in a leading economic clan - the only advantage is reputation and "free advertising" for your clan if you are in the top charts.

Shinji [take the money and run] January 10 2005 3:19 AM EST

I dont get how to make money or revenue or what ever you want to call it for the clan.

Tibike77 January 10 2005 5:29 AM EST

Forging, renting, camping the store and selling, buying cheap and selling higher, insta-down items, etc.
Whatever makes you gain CB$ from others that are NOT in your clan.

The only "question" is wether revenue ever goes down, or only up ?
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