Request for minor change in Item Meta-stats display (in General)

Arorrr January 10 2005 12:21 PM EST

Avg NW Avg price over NW
Executioner's Sword 33 $112,494 70,176

Can you put like a + between Ave NW and Avg Price over NW. For large item such as executioner, the two numbers squah together and hard to figure out. A + prefix to the Avg Price Over NW would be nice.

Descent January 10 2005 1:28 PM EST

As this thread already exists, I would like to request another minor change, please.

The stats for ranged weapons do not display the base damage. Can we get this added as well? Currently it just looks like "A light crossbow: "

Seems like a purely cosmetic change, so not horribly important. /shrug.
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