Wasp fined for selling in New Players (in Public Record)

Max January 10 2005 3:57 PM EST

Pretty simple rule as posted by Jonathan.

1. You may not sell equipment in chat. This includes USD bids and worthless low-end weapons or armor. (Even if the item can't be auctioned because of NW it is still not allowed in regular chat.)

Reason for fine: Knowingly breaking this rule on several occasions without regard to basic rules set forth by game administration and being told time after time not to do it.

Fine: For your one line advertisement you were fined 5k, the cost of a FS/WTB post. Fines will just get steeper for you. You were also /killed by a ChatOp.

<ChatOp> I told him it wasn't allowed there, and he responded, 'depends on the admin'

My response: No, it doesn't Wasp.

Spectre January 11 2005 4:51 PM EST

Any reason this Op wants to go unnamed? I don't see why they should be hiding, especially if they did the right thing.


private January 11 2005 7:27 PM EST

Fined 20K for doing it again.
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