Exchange Rate Problem (CB1 to CB2 or CB2 to USD) (in General)

Tribute January 10 2005 7:11 PM EST

Hopefully the first option in the title, but

There is a problem. Some people accept CB2 for the $10 supportership. They ask for 125K CB2. To exchange CB1 to CB2, there is a 1:10 rate. Thus, 1.25 mil CB1 should be exchanged for $10. But it is more like 3 mil CB1.

/me believes that some people with USD will be making money quite quickly by the system:
$10 USD
3 mil CB1
300K CB2
~$24 USD

Arorrr January 10 2005 7:15 PM EST


Why don't you do it then? Right now, CB$ exchange is more like 1:50, not even closed to 1:10. Where do you get that rate from? I would buy a lot of CB2 if you exchange at that rate.


Tribute January 10 2005 7:23 PM EST

I don't have paypal. :(


I get it from the post titled 'Selling CB2 Money for CB1 Money.'
(I don't know what the html link for it is.) But obviously it is in the FS/WTB

Tibike77 January 10 2005 8:01 PM EST

The going rate is anywhere from 100k CB2 to 200k CB2 or 2 mil CB1 to 5 mil CB1 for 10 USD.

So exchange rates vary from 1:10 to 1:50 for CB2$:CB1$.

That's the beauty of player-run exchange rates: they fluctuate as per supply and demand ;)
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