JiG Stats (in General)

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] January 10 2005 8:57 PM EST

I was checking the Jig's stats and realized that there appears to be a set ratio between HP/ST/Dex.

HP = Dex
ST= 0.6 Dex

This appears to be pretty steady. Now if someone can figure the UC/Endurance stats that would be nice.

Tibike77 January 10 2005 10:30 PM EST

It was HP, ST and DX equal on the Jig familiar (first at Level of tatoo, then at Level/3) before the final UC & Jig tweak, now ST on Jig familiar was reduced to Level/5 (HP and DX is still Level/3) while all the UC "weapons" got a "+" boost.

First of all, if somebody would figure out what the relation between ST, UC damage and UC level is, then we could start calculating what level of UC does a Jig familiar have.

And second, somebody would have to find out how Endurance actually works (from a ToE or LToE), only then you could figure out what the level of Endurance a Jig familiar trains.

Anyway, best bet scenario until now is HP=DX=UC=Endurance=(Level of tatoo / 3), while ST=(Level of tatoo / 5).
Just my two cents...
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