Re-enabling mentor program (in Changelog)

AdminJonathan January 10 2005 11:59 PM EST

In a few days I will allow CB to start assigning students to mentors; for now, only the volunteer-to-mentor part is active.

[From CB1]Tequito January 11 2005 12:11 AM EST

wooo! go mentors! :P

[CB1]moniker January 11 2005 12:19 AM EST

w00t! first mentor of CB2

MrC [DodgingTheEvilForgeFees] January 11 2005 12:26 AM EST

I signed up too (again)


ywnwraith January 12 2005 9:01 PM EST

whee, mentoring again =)

[pwnage]Exotion [[pWnage]] January 13 2005 11:19 PM EST

how do u volunteer?

stoner14 January 13 2005 11:25 PM EST

exotion, if you have to ask that question you are not ready to become one.

Max January 13 2005 11:58 PM EST

To become a Mentor Click Community>(Much) More>Mentors

The Mentor link is on the upper left hand corner. Please review the guide should you have questions. Also, be aware that there are certain requirements to become a Mentor and that the system checks to ensure that you meet them at sign up.

MrC [DodgingTheEvilForgeFees] January 15 2005 1:15 AM EST

"23 mentors"

We had 80 in CB1, there's got to be some more of you out there who want to be mentors!

[cb1]Lord-Vex January 15 2005 3:02 AM EST

#24 =D

AdminJonathan January 20 2005 6:17 PM EST

New players will now be assigned mentors after they finish the tutorial.

Destluck January 20 2005 8:37 PM EST

Yay, I have 4 Mentees....!!! And I got the first Mentee. And and.
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