CBF+FB vs AMF (in General)

Phaete January 11 2005 10:13 AM EST

The AMF kickback damage is the only fireball damage that can hurt a CBF wearing minion.

Shouldn't this also be blocked, as the CBF should block all Fireball damage?

QBJohnnywas January 11 2005 10:23 AM EST

Seems to me that AMF hits you underneath your CoBF. Therefore you're getting hit by your FB when you're only in your underwear....

Tibike77 January 11 2005 10:26 AM EST

Just for the sake of argument, I fought Susan Death (CBF+FB).
Here's the relevant text:

Singularis cast Guardian Angel on all friendly Minions (?)
Singularis's Fireball hit Susan for no damage
Susan's Fireball hit Singularis [8064]
Singularis's Guardian Angel smote Susan (1689) <===

So, the only two ways to deal damage caused by a Fireball to a CBF-wearing minion are AMF or GA.

The only logical conclusion here is that AMF FB backfire damage and GA FB backfire damage are not treated as "fireball" (or "fire") damage, but simply as generic "magical" damage.

I wonder now what happends when two CBF minions exist in a team, and one is hit in melee - does the 1/8 "splash" damage apply or not to the other CBF wearing minion ?
Under the same logic, I think it does apply.

Phaete January 11 2005 10:34 AM EST

Splash damage is is blocked.
That's why i want one of those cloaks :)

Phaete January 11 2005 10:35 AM EST

I meant splash damage from your own minions fireball when in melee :)

Tibike77 January 11 2005 10:38 AM EST

I didn't mean the friendly (own) FB splash damage in melee... but the 1/8*[burn damage] from "burns from fire surrounding X [burn damage]"... the splash damage that is applied to your own team members when you burn the enemy melee attacker.
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