Moving Tattoo rankings to stats page? (in General)

Sukotto [lookingglas] January 11 2005 2:48 PM EST

Jon, I'd like to track my Tattoo of Jigorokano's ranking the same way I can track the power/score/etc of my characters. Would you please consider adding Tattoo rankings to the stats pages.?

Since a tattoo is more like a extra minion than a pure "item" it makes more sense to me if we track them in the main stats area and not on the item meta-stats page.

My thinking is to give them their own page with the same sort of layout as the Character standings or Character attributes pages? Boxes listing the owners and level of the top 5 or 10 level tattoos of each type . Then a paginated list if you click that box (the same as for score/power/money/etc rankings).
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