Pato Reset and characters retired (in Public Record)

Max January 12 2005 6:30 PM EST

Pato came into chat today after signing up and the first thing he said was non-pg. Later, Exotion tipped me off to Pato's minion names. All 4 were very non-pg. I changed them to Happy names. I chatmailed Pato and told him not to create non-pg names. After reading my chatmail he renamed his minions to non-pg again. So, I reset his 1k PR character, renamed his minions, and retired it. He then came into open channel and said various non-pg things and I /killed him. This is up to full admins now.

Tribute January 12 2005 6:48 PM EST

I know you are very active. But it says you are only a supporter. What I really want to know is how (not why) you can change another person's minion names.

CooperTX January 12 2005 6:53 PM EST

Check FAQ under admins, Max is a sub-admin.

MrC [DodgingTheEvilForgeFees] January 12 2005 6:54 PM EST

He's a sub admin.

Max January 12 2005 6:56 PM EST

I was asked what non-pg is by someone in PM.

Well, you can find the answer under FAQ>Terms of Use:

Q: What is this I hear about a PG rating on this game?
A: In an effort to make this game appealing to all ages, it is requested that language, character and minion names, and postings all contain PG language. Please note that strong uses of "God" and "Jesus Christ" are not acceptable. Also, short forms or acronymns of swearing are not allowed. Discussions involving clinical anatomic terms will not be allowed, as the context is almost always "non-PG". Profanity warnings will be issued to those breaking this rule. In extreme cases, you will be reset or banned. Pretty easy really, just keep communications clean.

Just because you heard some swearing in a PG movie, it is still not allowed here. "PG" is a simple guideline that most everyone understands. In reality, it's somewhere between G and PG.

Brendan adds:

The majority of the people playing the game regularly are adults, so it seems rather silly that the PG rule is in effect. But in another sense, I like it, it means I don't have to worry about people coming in there and bashing each other with "*expletive deleted* your mom" or the more often, "*expletive deleted* your *expletive deleted* with a *expletive deleted* and 15 *expletive deleted*'s and a side of *expletive deleted* with ranch dressing."
It just overall increases the intelligence level of the room, which is something I didn't understand when I first came here.
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