a question about magic (in General)

Ulord[NK] January 12 2005 11:00 PM EST

Mosquito's Fireball hit Jungle_Main's familiar [661], Jungle_Main [561], Steve_O_Mastaca [562], Farteus Tremonti [518], Franz W.K. [445]

*Wasp's Fireball hit Jungle_Main's familiar [713]

R.I.P. Jungle_Main, Steve_O_Mastaca, Farteus Tremonti, Franz W.K.

Mosquito's Fireball hit Jungle_Main's familiar [2045]

R.I.P. Jungle_Main's familiar

From this fight log, you can see that I eliminated 4 of the enemy minions with my first fireball, leaving only the familiar to take my second fireball. Notice the ranged damage was not amplified when i hit the familiar with wasp (the starred line). Instead, the damage is amplified on the second round. Is this a feature? It would make more sense that wasp's fb also amplify in damage, since i have already destroyed 80% of my enemies even though its in the same round.

[MG]Mecca-Devilbot [Clan of One] January 12 2005 11:43 PM EST

2 points.

1. there is a penalty in ranged for magic, that gets smaller. however that wouldn't change that much.

2.The magic is all calc'ed per round. if there's five enemies in the first round, it stays like that, even if they die. note that it tells you they are dead after the round ends, not inbetween fights.
You can also notice this when you have VA on, and hit an opponent twice, as the second hit willl yeild no health, because they are already dead. you can't 'switch' your target.

to rephase: It's like they all shoot at the same time, and you just see the damage in peices. they don't bother displaying the damage done to enemies that are already dead.

Phaete January 12 2005 11:44 PM EST

I believe all DD within fired one round is fired at the same time, and thus targets the same number of players (and thus the same general modifier)

If they were fired after eachother, the second one might target only the lone person standing, not the group living at the beginning of the round.

Ulord[NK] January 13 2005 1:53 AM EST

ah i c. So it is a feature. Thx for the explanation.

Undertow January 13 2005 4:32 AM EST

It's not a new feature, the minion is the new feature. Magic works EXACTLY the way it always has.

Mosquito's Fireball hit Jungle_Mains familiar [661], Jungle_Main [561], Steve_O_Mastaca [562], Farteus Tremonti [518], Franz W.K. [445]

*Wasp's Fireball hit Jungle_Mains familiar [713]

R.I.P. Jungle_Main, Steve_O_Mastaca, Farteus Tremonti, Franz W.K.

This is all 1 round. Just one. Single. 5-4. So, your fireball hit for exactly what it should, no more, no less.
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