why is this? (in General)

[Beo]AggroHippie January 13 2005 12:28 AM EST

ok, I was fighting some ppl and I lost, so I fought them again, and to my suprise the only thing that was left alive was the familiar... now I ask why does the familiar still fight after the minion is dead? this has happened a couple of battles and I am wondering why... flame away if you want but I think that something should be done

MrC [DodgingTheEvilForgeFees] January 13 2005 12:34 AM EST

You sure about that?
Before the tattoo nerf I'd often lose to peoples' familiars and kill their minions and then whilst I lost the battle they were dead so there was no chance for a second fight win...
Maybe I'm mistaken? If I am, then this really should be changed.

[Beo]AggroHippie January 13 2005 12:39 AM EST

no, I was pretty amazed that the only thing alive was the familiar, I FB it for like 2k DMG and that was it, the only target...

Undertow January 13 2005 12:52 AM EST

Because it counts as a fifth minion. I think it's awesome, leave it be :p Also remember, you can't kill more than one thing in a round.

Undertow January 13 2005 12:53 AM EST

Wait, nvm, with fireball and stuff you can, I was thinking physical damage.
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