Devilord - Golgotha deal from CB 1 (in Public Record)

TrueDevil [AAA] January 13 2005 11:20 AM EST

I've chatmailed Golgotha about the deal that we had in CB 1 from a month ago.

My Chatmail to him :
Could you make the payment faster, because this is getting too long, and from what I saw you keep making other deals in CB 1 and CB 2. I don't think I can keep being generous, but I'll give you a week to finish the payment. From all the payment that you paid me, I believe that you still owed me 8.5 mil CB 1 (equal to 170 k CB 2) because you've sent 20 k in CB 2 and that's 1 mil CB 1. This is also because I need money really bad in CB 2. I will make a post about it in Public Record.

So, that's 1 week to complete the payment (170 k CB 2). I haven't decided what I would do if he couldn't finish up the payment but I believe he can do it.

golgotha January 13 2005 11:23 AM EST

sent 20K 150K left

TrueDevil [AAA] January 13 2005 11:26 AM EST

That's correct. 150 k left should be easy. There's still 1 week to go. :)

golgotha January 14 2005 12:42 PM EST

20K sent 130K left

golgotha January 14 2005 8:36 PM EST

30K sent 100K left

golgotha January 15 2005 9:28 AM EST

20K sent 80K left

golgotha January 16 2005 2:56 PM EST

20K sent 60K left

golgotha January 16 2005 10:03 PM EST

30K sent 30K left

golgotha January 18 2005 6:56 PM EST

paid off

TrueDevil [AAA] January 19 2005 7:40 AM EST

Yep, that's right. Thank you, I can recommend that you're a very reliable person, unlike Solo who owed me and just forgot about it. :)
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