Captain Gs War clan recruitment post (in General)

Quark January 13 2005 1:08 PM EST

As with the others, we're recruiting 1 or 2 players.

Desired participation: 700 to 1,000 clan points per day, 5 days a week

Minimum participation: points 4 days a week, keep your head above water (based on how much you are farmed)

Refund policy: If I change the terms on you, or if I kick you out on borderline considerations, I refund your $1k admission fee.

Chatmail with questions (I'm on M-F)

Tribute January 13 2005 2:06 PM EST

Isn't the fee 2499? Or was that changed?

Quark January 14 2005 8:06 AM EST

I hope not. I was refunding $1k to joiners that signed up before I posted conditions. Can anyone confirm?

Hapster January 14 2005 8:39 AM EST

There is a fee of $2,599 to join a Clan.

Quark January 14 2005 11:48 AM EST

Have one in, a second in 48 hr holding. Entry likely closed except for very low PR chars.

Quark January 19 2005 3:43 PM EST

So we have successfully recruited two more members, bringing us up to 6. We have about 12k PR to spare. Looks like our clan participants are eager to log points, so the final slot is only open to someone who can commit at least 1,000 points a day, 4 days a week (5 preferred). Seems we're also fostering a spirit of intra-clan item sharing as well, so if that interests you drop me a chatmail.
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