Max/NSFC deal (in Public Record)

NotSuitablForChildren [Yeeeaahh.................] January 14 2005 1:28 AM EST

I have sent 1 million CB2 to Max for $125 USD. He will send me $75 on Monday and another $50 whenever is possible but not much later than the first of February. He will confirm when he gets back.

Max January 14 2005 1:34 AM EST


NotSuitablForChildren [Yeeeaahh.................] January 24 2005 1:39 AM EST

As I understand it Max is waiting on a government check, he has mentioned that he will be paying a little extra since it is later than expected. He will let me know when he is able to get the check in the mail.

NotSuitablForChildren [Yeeeaahh.................] January 31 2005 11:52 PM EST

total was paid through paypal, should clear soon. thanks again.

NotSuitablForChildren [Yeeeaahh.................] February 4 2005 4:57 PM EST

The money cleared earlier this morning. Pleasure doing business. :)
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