Is it worth a feature to "extend" the loan of an item? (in General)

Quark January 14 2005 11:26 AM EST

I'm loaning a tattoo to a fellow clan member so they will equip and use. I was wondering if it was worth coding an option to "extend" the loan (and still pay the full new loan fee for the time extension) so that they can continue to have the item equipped uninterrupted if it's working well for them. This would be better than returning the item, re-loaning, and waiting for them to re-log on and re-equip the item.

Undertow January 14 2005 11:35 AM EST

I like this idea. It would be like "at the end of the loan, reloan for X time" and you'd still pay the fee. that's cool. It'd never actually move.
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