Slings: We need options. (in General)

Stephen Young January 15 2005 3:18 PM EST

It was argued about constantly in CB1 to little avail, but assuming that there are no SoD's in this game, the sling department in CB2 seems a little lacking.

I'd like to see seeker ammo for slings rather than a non-upgradeable sling like the SoD...

Either that, or have a new upgradeable rare sling thats a bit meatier.

AdminJonathan January 15 2005 3:39 PM EST

What gave you the impression that all classes of ranged weapons are supposed to be equally useful?

RIPsalt3d January 15 2005 5:36 PM EST

Slings already give you options; or at least one, anyway. You can choose lower damage for an extra round in which to do damage.

bartjan January 16 2005 4:16 AM EST

It also has no penalties at all when combined with a shield.

Stephen Young January 16 2005 4:27 AM EST

From CB1 thread located here.

Jonathan, August 10 2004 1:06 PM EDT
"do slings really become useless THAT quickly?"

Jon plays the role of sling-defender in this thread, chatting up the easily upgradeable pebbles as well. Though, I do suppose that the above quote insinuates the sling eventually becoming useless--just not as soon as most people would have liked to believe...

And that saddens me.

[FireBreathing]Chicken January 16 2005 11:31 AM EST

Slings > Xbows

Peter at home January 16 2005 9:24 PM EST

sling might not be the equally useful weapon on high level as bows and xbows, but it has some abilities which can be useful in some particular strategies.

Also I got this idea what if slings had the ability to target a minion with the least HP? Or maybe only sling (not staff-sling)
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