I am paying supportership for Unforgiven (in Public Record)

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] January 15 2005 4:37 PM EST

Unforgiven is a family member who has watched me play CB1/CB2 for a long time. He started a char in CB1 months ago and stopped playing after a couple weeks. He's started a char in CB2 and says he'll stick with it. We'll see. :) Anyway, I'm paying his supportership as a gift. He understands how important it is to keep our chars from sharing equipment etc. He's got alot more time than me, so he'll probably overcome Don Kixothe very soon. I've been telling him how great this game is for a while. Maybe he's finally figured that out for himself. LOL. BTW, he's my son, and he'll probably kick everyone's butt in this game. hehe
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