TNO/// Dai (in Public Record)

Cranium Basher January 16 2005 3:26 AM EST

Daishinzo is playing middle man between me, and buyers. When I end my auction, Winners will send money to Dai's paypal, when I finish setting up my paypal, Dai will transfer the end amound minus 5$ to my paypal account... (5 dollars for his//her trouble) In the event money does not make it from Dai to me, Dai will be reset for: Default. I will transfer items after Dai confirms they have been paid for.

daishinzo January 16 2005 3:30 AM EST

/nods is the paypal address. Will hold funds until you set it up but please don't dilly dally =]

Cranium Basher January 16 2005 3:37 AM EST

If your bored, I suggest pulling the money straight out of your bank account, as soon as you get it, so paypal can't mess you over, or something,....

I hear they are taking loads of peoples money.
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