Armor store inventory (in General)

Bolfen January 16 2005 10:40 AM EST

Is the low inventory of the armor store planned or is it an unexpected result?

It's just that you'd think that those dwarves would notice the great demand and low supply and get off their butts ;)

Is it somehow tied to the blacksmith? (ie high BS use, low resupply?)

QBJohnnywas January 16 2005 10:47 AM EST

Is it low inventory or high rate of camping? If you check out the store purchase logs theres a lot of low end armours going in - they're just going out fast. Quite a lot in auction too. Especially as the 'refresh' of items is supposed to be tied to the number of fights and not the amount of buying anymore.

bartjan January 16 2005 11:40 AM EST


People need to fight more, camp less ;)
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