economic clan (in General)

Eorlas January 16 2005 3:01 PM EST

i just joined an economic clan and i was wondering if anyone could give me some sort of explanation about it. i mean what am i supposed to do?

[pwnage]Exotion [[pWnage]] January 16 2005 3:04 PM EST

i am not sure i was gonna join then i herd some bad rumers about them so i just joined a standard one

ANJAN January 16 2005 3:07 PM EST

what kind of bad rumours??

Ulord[NK] January 16 2005 11:56 PM EST

ECO clan gives you discounts in transfers fees, especially if you are xfering between clan members. The bonus can really add up, especially if you are forging or training up a tattoo with your clan buddies, or if you buy and sell a lot. Other than that there is no further benefits. The bonuses will take effect one week after your join an eco clan, to prevent abuse.
Exotion: stop being an idiot. Your mysterious comment adds nothing to help the newer comers to cb2 and causes confusion. If you dont have something constructive to offer, keep your mouth shut.
To the original poster: this question has been asked time and time again on forum. Use the search feature and look for threads about economic clan. Im sure you will find all the info you need. Why don't you do that right now and find out the exact bonus of being in an eco clan?
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