TOGG reset for scamming, nonpg, abusive language, and harassment (in Public Record)

Max January 16 2005 11:50 PM EST

Chat logs sent to Saint.

He scammed Shlag for his ToJ. Not much I can do about that. NEVER send a tattoo or any other item unless you are selling it and have made the proper Public Records post. Use the loan feature if it is a loan.

Spammed chat with over 20 nonpg words all in caps.

Harassed chat ops and players alike.

bartjan January 17 2005 1:57 AM EST


May I suggest to Jon to move the item 'spell checker in chat' a bit higher on his todo list? That would have avoided this all together ;)

[EG]The Saint January 17 2005 6:22 PM EST

Banned TOGG's multi HELLOREYNA.
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