1 hand or 2 hand better? (in General)

cobra January 17 2005 12:44 AM EST

what the different between 1 handed weapon and 2 handed weapon?

bartjan January 17 2005 12:49 AM EST

A 2-handed weapon gives a penalty to your DX when equipped together with a shield.

[From CB1]Tequito January 17 2005 12:50 AM EST

if you have a two handed weapon equipped it causes a large dx penalty when equiping a shield, and with some weapons just small dx penalty in general. While a one happen has neither of the penalties. Two handed weapons are usually a lot stronger though.

[Redneck RV] Truc January 17 2005 1:51 AM EST

In other words, one-handed weapons are a little less offensive than two-handed :)

(double entendre quite intended)

{CB1ate}aupStar January 17 2005 10:58 PM EST

one handed weapon is better cause then you can slap your opponent with your other hand...;)
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