Why did i get kicked from new players and the klined? (in Public Record)

Wish Bear January 17 2005 12:56 AM EST

I don't understand....

is it cause I said i liked dave's show....

because i said the jedi skit was funny...

or because after being kicked i came back and asked why??

[From CB1]Tequito January 17 2005 12:57 AM EST

To: Wish Bear Sent: 12:55 AM EST Delivered: 12:56 AM EST
I hope you realize what you were doing wrong.... The fact that you were laughing is not the problem, it's the swear word involved in your acronyme. if you would have said roflm*b*o i would have been fine. otherwise it is not. Keep that in mind for the future. Try reading the faqs if you have not already, and you may also want to consider going to cbplayers.com for more info on that and other subjects.

Timberwolf January 17 2005 1:05 AM EST

Wish, you commented on Daves show then typed rotflm*o which is non-PG.

After returning from the kick you did not ask what the kick was for, you simply responded:

Wish_Bear has joined the room.
Wish_Bear> lol
smallpau1> dont even ask that
Wish_Bear> its hillarious
Kinsbane> you give the other 2 weapons, or train them in spells
Timberwolf> If you have to ask, don't say it
PitSpawn> wb wish :)
Wish_Bear> [edited4nonpg~m]
Arctauris> ty
smallpau1> kill
Wish_Bear left the room.
smallpau1> yep
smallpau1> /killed
MrTequito> -- wish_bear will be unable to login for 60 minutes.

Please point out at what point you asked why you were kicked, I must be overlooking it..

Wish Bear January 17 2005 1:09 AM EST

maybe i only asked in carnage :P

i can't believe that B is allowed but not the other letter....isn't that kinda counterproductive....neither should be allowed since both are slang...well the first might not be if you were using the correct name :P

i'll try to to use it and just use "lol" but i been using it in IRC since 92 so i might slip up every once in a while :P

Spectre January 17 2005 8:20 PM EST

Butt may be slang, but the other word is offensive. Get over it. =)
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