shadowcat paying for my supportership (in Public Record)

grenlan January 17 2005 2:46 AM EST

Shadowcat agreed to pay for my supportership for 125k 110k right now and I'll send the additional 15k once i've made it later today.

Shadowcat January 17 2005 2:47 AM EST

Confirmed, waiting for payment.

grenlan January 17 2005 2:51 AM EST

grenlan (Hyoru) Shadowcat (Shadowkill) $110000 2:50 AM EST

Shadowcat January 17 2005 2:54 AM EST

Payment sent to Jonathan, if the outstanding 15K isn't sent by tomorrow the shadows will consume your soul, and there will be much rejoicing.

grenlan January 18 2005 12:51 PM EST

grenlan (Hyoru) Shadowcat (Shadowkill) $14000 12:50 PM EST

the rest will be sent when i build some more ba back up.

grenlan January 18 2005 5:55 PM EST

grenlan (Hyoru) Shadowcat (Shadowkill) $2000 5:54 PM EST

done! :)
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